How can you set healthy boundaries? What should or shouldn't be included as a boundary? Don't worry, we've got your back.
It is NOT your job to...
- heal others
-please others at your expense
-make something work if the effort isn't mutual
-allow behavior, conversations, or actions that make you uncomfortable
-continuously compromise
-change yourself for other people
-anticipate someone's needs at any given time
-be available to talk to someone at any moment
-support someone else if you can't or don't want to
-give in to peer pressure if you don't want to do something
-be responsible for the mental wellbeing of another person
-apologize for someone else or solve their problems for them
-listen to rants or explanations that make you uncomfortable
It IS your job to...
-heal yourself
-listen to your own needs above someone else's
-communicate your feelings to friends/family/partners
-set healthy boundaries
-stand up for yourself politely and maturely
-say 'no' when you're not comfortable
-be supportive, but not if it means damaging yourself
-respect the comfort levels and feelings of others
-seek professional help for yourself when needed
-be kind
-be willing to have an open and honest conversation
-prioritize your own mental health before the mental health of another person